Sharing life with a cat
Since the rule of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt , 9,000 years ago, domestic cats have run the homes of many humans, but how did they come to be at our side or more so us at their's?
The Evolution of felines
Anyone who has owned a cat at some point in their life know that they are like no other animal on this earth. Each cat has it's own unique personality. When you adopt a new cat you never know what you'll get; Some cats love to lay in your lap, some would rather play, some like to go outside, some are too skittish. The one trait I have found in every cat i've ever met is that they like to do things their way. If you try to force them to sit on your lap, they fight to get away and yet in a few minites they may come back, being as friendly as ever, wanting you to pet them. I live with five cats. The oldest's name is Stripes. She is 11 year old runt that loves to play with her tail and throws up all the time. Then came Barley. He is a 8 year old cat who has bad allergies like me and loves to drag his toys around meowing. Next is Stormy. She is 5 years old and drools like a dog while making her bed. After we were certain we had enough animals with 3 cats, 2 dogs, a bird and a snake, Jasper came. He was a tinny kitten when he followed me home. Now he is 3 years old and weighs in at 18 pounds, the largest of the group my far. He loves to eat. Using his paw he picks up the food. What ever food is left on his paw when he is done he slings across the counter for me to clean up. He also plays fetch like a dog and loves to welcome guest with licks and bites. Little Finn is last. He is one year old and the fluffiest cat we have. He is deathly afraid of the outside ever since we found him on the streets and runs from most humans. He is even tense around me. Luckily Jasper looks out for him. Cats are a joy to have and although I still find most of their strange behavior puzzling I feel that I now have a better understanding of why they are the way they are.
1) Pickrell, John. "Oldest Known Pet Cat?9,5000-Year-Old Burial Found On Cyprus." National Geographic.< >
2) "Evolution of Cats." Feline Advisory Bureau < >
3)"Understanding Cat Behavior: Why Do Cats Do That?!...and How Can I Make Them Stop It!?". A-House-Full-Of-Cats. < >
4) "Cat Anatomy and Physiology." Washington State University. < >
5) Dykens and Gillette."Fossil Mysteries" San Diego National History Museum.< >